Saturday, 17 April 2021

Medieval 3D Buildings Project

In continuation of a push to increase my 28mm terrain stock, a few months back I took the opportunity of utilizing the new 3D printers at work to produce a couple of medieval European buildings. I snaffled the files free from Thingiverse and the good staff who operate these modern marvels kindly printed them off for me. The townhouse and tavern/ hall were just what I was looking for to use as multi-period pieces. The printing wasn't perfect and I've had to use a bit of filler here and there when basing these up, but I'm happy with the way they've turned out. There was a muck up with the sizing of the townhouse roof piece, so I ended up making my own using polystyrene, Balsa wood and cardboard. You can tell when you have a closer look. I think these will see lots of action in my medieval, English Civil War and Seven Years War battles.
Thanks for taking a look.

28mm Essex Peninsula British Infantry

I recently decided to tart up a couple of old 28mm Essex Napoleonic British foot regiments that I commissioned another local Christchurch wargamer, Dave Evans, to paint up for me back in the early 1990s. These were my first metal figures and at the time I lacked the experience and confidence in painting metals to a reasonable standard. I bought these as part of a ready-made army that the Guardroom in Dunstable used to sell. This was back in the days when you actually visited a 'bricks and mortar' wargaming shop...before internet shopping. Coming from the colonies, at that time a trip to the UK meant you had to buy in bulk when you had the opportunity...well, that's what I told my girlfriend (now long suffering wife) who was travelling with me when I confessed how much money I spent. These figures are dated and not the most dynamic, but once painted up and based as a unit they are ok for bulking up a sizable force. The GMB flags help to pretty them up.

Friday, 2 April 2021

My latest literary masterpiece

It's been a while since my last post, but that doesn't mean I haven't been up to much. In fact, I've been working on quite a few hobby projects since the start of the year, so I plan to add a few posts over the next week or so to catch up. The most important dispatch from the Mess this year (for me at least) relates to the upcoming release of my latest literary masterpiece, 'Rebellion, Invasion and Occupation: The British Army in Ireland, 1793-1815.' Not quite a bodice-ripping adventurous tale to entertain the ladies, but it should prove interesting and educational for those of us who remain fascinated with Irish and British history and the British Army during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods. This book is based on my MA thesis and I'm vey proud of it being published as part of Helion & Company's 'From Reason to Revolution' series. Check out their website for more details and register your interest if you feel so inclined: Thanks for taking a look! Until next time.